Being Lead Astray
…and immediately on the Sabbath he (Jesus) entered the synagogue and was teaching. And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.
~ Mark 1:21-22
Jesus went to the synagogues where the scribes and Pharisees were because he wanted to challenge the false teachings of his time. Just like today, we need to address false teachers. The scribes and Pharisees misled people who believed they were following God. It was crucial for Jesus to show the people that their teachings were incorrect. Yes, some of what they taught was correct but Jesus accused them of shutting the door of heaven for others by distorting God’s truth (Matthew 23:13). Just like many false teachers do today by changing the bible to say what they want it to say. Beware.
The scribes and Pharisees were meant to know God and guide others to Him. Instead, they complicated God’s Law, making it a heavy burden. They did not serve God with sincerity. Their faith was not genuine worship; it was based on pride. Jesus condemns the scribes and Pharisees for making strenuous efforts to win converts and then leading those converts to be “twice as much” children of hell as the scribes and Pharisees were (Matthew 13:15). Jesus’ words are harsh because there was so much at stake. as those who followed the Pharisees were being led away from God.
Please read and know the Bible so you are not led astray.
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New Testament

Mark 1:9

John the Baptist
John the Baptist Prepares the Way, The Baptism of Jesus, The Temptation of Jesus, Jesus Begins His Ministry, Jesus Calls the First Disciples, Jesus Heals a Man with an Unclean Spirit
Mark 1:14. Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, —
When one servant of God is laid aside, it is a call to the rest to be the more earnest. So after John the Baptist was put into prison, “Jesus came into Galilee.” Sometimes a loss may be a gain, and if the loss of John was the means of bringing out Jesus, certainly both the Church and the world were the gainers: “Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,” —
Mark 01 – J Vernon Mcgee – Thru the Bible
Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below:
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