But when the seventh seal is broken and what is to happen becomes visible as the scroll is unrolled – and the implication is they can all see what it says – they are reduced to utter silence. And all the triumphant ringing hallelujahs, all the exaltation halts. And I think it is the silence of awe, it is the silence of the anticipation of the grim reality of what is coming as well as the joyous reality of the exaltation of Christ and the devastation of Satan and sin. This half hour of silence is the calm before the storm, the silence of foreboding, the silence of expectation, the silence of awe.
It’s interesting that John measures the time in his vision experience as about half an hour. Absolute silence in that large crowd of innumerable angels running into the millions, absolute dead silence for half an hour would seem like an eternity. The margin of suspenseful expectancy seems to us brief, but it must have seemed to him very long. Some have even suggested that it is a brief half hour for a few more on earth to repent before the next wave of judgment hits, a brief half hour of agonizing suspense. ~ John MacArthur
Nahum 1:1-3:19
Revelation 8:1-13
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 30:7-9
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New Testament: Revelation 8:1-13
Summary: The Seventh Seal and the Golden Censer, The Seven Trumpets
Revelation Chapter 8 – (Useful Bible)
- 8:1 – Silence in heaven
- 8:2 – The message of the seven trumpets
- 8:3-5 – Prayers and judgements
- 8:6-7 – The first trumpet: a storm destroys a third of the earth
- 8:8-9 – The second trumpet: a burning mountain ruins a third of the sea
- 8:10-11 – The third trumpet: a star spoils a third of the fresh water
- 8:12 – The fourth trumpet: a third of the day and night become dark
- 8:13 – A bird declares its awful message
What are the seven trumpets of Revelation?
Overview: Revelation 1-11 – Click Here
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