At the front of heaven’s army, in his proper place, is the leader of that army. This leader does not need to hide among the other soldiers for fear of his enemies. All attention is upon him as he rides forward.
In the description, John gives a series of names to this great champion. The first of these names is Loyal and True. That describes his perfect character. He is the judge and he is making war; but he does these things in perfect goodness. Nobody can persuade him to do anything that is not completely right. His judgements are absolutely correct. He will not stop his war until he has defeated every wicked enemy. That is the real purpose of a judge, and that is the only proper reason for war: to defeat what is evil.
Zechariah 12:1-13:9
Revelation 19:1-21
Psalm 147:1-20
Proverbs 31:1-7
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New Testament: Revelation 19:1-21

On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. ~ Revelation 19:16
It is necessary to approach a great ruler in a humble manner. At the time of the Bible, people expressed their humble attitudes by humble actions. For example, they knelt down to give honour to a great ruler (Philippians 2:10).
Perhaps that is why Christ’s great title of honour is on his thigh (his upper leg). It is in a low position, so that people in a low position can read it. Perhaps the title appears on the clothes that cover his thigh. That part of his clothes would hang down by his side, as he rode his horse. Then everyone would see this declaration of his royal authority.
The title itself astonishes us. There are many rulers in this world, and many masters. Many people claim authority over other people. The same is true in the spirit world. There are many spirits that claim to have great authority (Luke 4:5-6; Ephesians 6:12). However, Christ’s authority is greater than them all. His title declares him to be ‘King of kings and Lord (master) of lords’. As King of kings, he has authority over every other king and ruler. As Lord of lords, he has authority over every master and every lord. Nobody can claim equal rank to him; nobody can stand against him.
God the Father has given this great authority to Christ. Philippians 2:6-11 explains the reason. It is because Christ, God’s Son, was so humble. Christ obeyed God the Father so completely that he (Christ) accepted death upon the cross, a shameful death. Christ did it so that God could forgive his people’s evil deeds. As Christ accepted the greatest shame, so God the Father is giving Christ the greatest honour. That will bring the greatest honour to God the Father, as 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 and Philippians 2:11 explain. ~ From:
Rejoicing in Heaven
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The Rider on a White Horse
Revelation Chapter 19
- 19:1 – A great crowd in heaven praises God
- 19:2 – God, the avenger of blood
- 19:3 – The reaction in heaven to God’s judgements
- 19:4 – God’s government
- 19:5 – Everyone and everything should praise God
- 19:6 – The day of heaven’s royal wedding
- 19:7 – The marriage of the Lamb
- 19:8 – The bride of Christ
- 19:9 – The invitation to the marriage of the Lamb
- 19:10 – John’s error
- 19:11 – The commander of heaven’s armies
- 19:12-13 – Christ, the leader of heaven’s armies
- 19:14 – The armies of heaven
- 19:15 – The power of Christ
- 19:16 – King of kings and Lord of lords
- 19:17-18 – The terrible great meal upon the earth
- 19:19 – The battle at Armageddon begins
Overview: Revelation 12-22 – Click Here
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