February 13

Intentionally Remained Unbelieving

He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. ~ Matthew 27:42

Unfortunately, they had witnessed more impressive acts before this but still did not believe. He could have easily freed himself from the nails and come down, after already having performed such powerful miracles among them. Even if he had done so, there’s no reason to think they would have accepted him as the Son of God and the real Messiah. For even after he performed an even greater miracle by rising from the dead—something they had clear proof of—they continued to doubt.

When individuals choose to ignore the truth, they close themselves off from understanding and ultimately find themselves lost. However, this is their decision to make. We cannot force anyone to accept what they are unwilling to see.

The decision to accept or reject Jesus as Savior is the ultimate life decision.

“There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” than the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12), and those who reject Him, for whatever reason, face an eternity in the “outer darkness” of hell where there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30).

Exodus 35:10-36:38
Matthew 27:32-66
Psalm 34:1-10
Proverbs 9:7-8

Read Today’s Scripture – Click Here

Click on the Play Button below to Listen to Today’s Scripture


Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. 
~ Proverbs 9:7-8

New Testament

Jesus Dies

Jesus Dies on the Cross for us.


The Crucifixion
The Death of Jesus
Jesus Is Buried
The Guard at the Tomb

And over his head they put the charge against him, which read, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” ~ Matthew 27:37

The placement of the placard “over His head” indicates that the cross was the usual shape, with a vertical part sticking up above the horizontal beam, rather than the T-shaped cross that was also used at times.


Overview: Matthew 14 – 28 – Click Here


Grace to You

Grace to You


Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below:

The Wicked at Calvary – Matthew 27:27–44

Those of us who are familiar, of course, with the execution of Jesus Christ, the murder of Jesus as it truly was, are very much aware of how wickedly He was treated. But this narrative in Matthew allows us to get a little more deeply into this wickedness to do a little bit of a study of the elements of wickedness; perhaps, if you will, the pathology of this wickedness that murdered the living Lord Jesus.

And the wicked treatment of Jesus didn’t start at the cross. It pursued Him from His birth. It was wickedness that tried to kill Him when He was an infant. It was wickedness that tried to discredit Him in His teaching. It was wickedness that tried to tempt Him and cause Him to fall victim to the wiles of Satan. It was wickedness that tried to destroy Him as a miracle working prophet of God by pushing Him off of a cliff. And finally, it was wickedness that secured His condemnation to death by violating every standard of justice and truth, equity and honor in both Jewish and Gentile law.  For the entire sermon – Click Here






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