February 23


“Seeing them.” Can I just stop there and say, “Seeing them”? Now remember, He’s up in a mountain and they’re in the middle of the lake, four miles off shore. How far away from the shore He is, we don’t know, but He was up a hill, up a mountain. How can He see them? He can see them the way God always sees, with His omniscience – with His omniscience. Walking on the water is not the only miracle in this account. He always sees His own. They are deep into the dark night – deep into the dark night – well after the storm began. They’re three or four miles in the middle of the lake.


It’s not a coincidence, like He was on the way to somewhere else. He had no intention of leaving the Kingdom in that little boat to drown. He had come for this purpose. He knew exactly where they were. He knew exactly when He needed to arrive. And He walked across the lake at a supernatural speed to arrive precisely at the right moment alongside the little boat.  ~ John MacArthur


Jesus performed incredible miracles that no one in history has ever done – we have reason to trust him.



Read Listen / Video
Leviticus 14:1-57
Mark 6:30-56
Psalm 40:1-10
Proverbs 10:11-12

New Testament

Mark 6:30-56

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Jesus Walks on the Water
Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret


Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Jesus Walks on the Water

Jesus Walks on the Water




Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture reading below:

Mark by John MacArthur

Mark by John MacArthur


 Mark 6:30–44
“But the focus of everything is the Lord Jesus Christ. And why is this done? Because salvation comes by being drawn to Christ. What will the Holy Spirit do? He will speak of me, Jesus said. He will point you to me. And that’s what He does in the revelation of these four gospels. Why is this important? Second Corinthians 3:18 says, “As you gaze at the glory of our Lord, you are changed into His image from one level of glory to the next by the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ. Becoming more like Christ is the result of being more exposed to Christ, seeing the wonder of His person, being drawn by the Spirit to become more like Him.”


 Mark 6:45–56
“Jesus, however, had no plan to be the leader of a revolution, no plan to be the leader of a rebellion, no plan to be the leader or author of a coup. He had not come to kill; He had come to die. The next time He comes, He comes to kill. The next time He comes, He comes as the Judge. The next time He comes in the glory of the second coming, He will slaughter the godless of the world and He will establish His Kingdom of righteousness. He comes the second time to kill; He comes the first time to die.”


Mark 6:30-56 by Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible


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