February 24


Teaching His Disciples to Disobey?

And the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition…” ~ Mark 7:5

When you study the Bible and start talking about the truths of the Bible with others you will notice that false teachers and religious cults will immediately try to prove you wrong by twisting the scriptures. This is nothing new. The Pharisees were accusing Jesus of teaching His disciples to disobey the traditions of the elders. John MacArthur said: “Christ didn’t deny breaking the tradition, He broke it. He broke it without regard for it. He had no respect for their whole traditional system. He ignored it. He swept it aside. It was meaningless. It was damning. It obliterated the truth. What the disciples were doing was not a problem. What the Pharisees and scribes were doing was a big problem. They were actually going to go to hell with rinsed hands. And He gives them an illustration of this hypocrisy.” (Mark 7:6-13)

This teaches us that He rejected all forms of false religion. Those who are deeply religious yet reject the truth—hypocrites and promoters of error—will ultimately be rejected by God. It’s not religion that leads to God, but genuine worship from the heart. Religion without truth becomes a road to destruction. These conflicts probably occured lot.

Understanding how Jesus confronted false teachers empowers us to uphold the truths of the Bible. It inspires us to persistently teach and share the gospel’s message. Let us remain steadfast and advocate for the truth.

“For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.” ~ 2 Corinthians 13:8

Read Listen / Video
Leviticus 15:1-16:28
Mark 7:1-23
Psalm 40:11-17
Proverbs 10:13-14

New Testament

Mark 7:1-23


Traditions and Commandments
What Defiles a Person

Christian tradition

Christian tradition – Click the photo above for the answer.



Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture reading below:

Mark by John MacArthur

Mark by John MacArthur


 Mark 7:1–13

What we learn from this is that He rejected all of that phony religion. Highly religious rejecters of the truth, highly religious hypocrites, highly religious purveyors of error will be rejected by God. Religion is not the path to God, heart worship is. Religion is the road to hell. And we see here that the compassion of Jesus can also be the condemning judge. Compassionate to the people in their suffering, condemning to the false religionists. He had been healing, basically, the end of chapter 6, verses 53 to 56, healing everybody – everybody as He had been for the two years of His ministry. Anybody who touched Him, it says, was healed. This indiscriminate healing of everyone, delivering them from demons, disease and death.

But there weren’t many who believed in Him. Most of them left, rejecting His message, disinterested in feasting on the bread of life. They were the kind of people who would line up today for the prosperity gospel, who want healing, success in life, wealth, have all their needs met, which is what the prosperity gospel promises, and it’s as despised by God today as it was then.
For the entire sermon – Click Here


 Mark 7:14–23
Matthew even says it comes out of the mouth. And the reason Matthew refers to the mouth is because the mouth is the most ready to express the evil of the heart. More evil is spoken than is done. It’s so much easier to do that, that’s why Isaiah said he was a man of unclean lips because that’s how he identified the wretchedness of his heart. The whole principle is that evil doesn’t come into you from the outside, it comes out of you from the inside. And this is shocking, believe me, to the Pharisees and the scribes. They don’t like this. That’s not what they think.


Mark 7:1-4 by Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible


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