Realizing Who Can Help
But she answered him, “Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” ~ Mark 7:28 ESV
Even if you don’t know Jesus, you can still reach out to Him. In this moment from Scripture, a woman who didn’t know Jesus dared to ask for His help—and He answered. Through that simple act of faith, she discovered the truth: He is the living God, not the empty idols she once followed. If you’re feeling lost or unsure of what to do right now, why not turn to Jesus? A single sincere request can spark a transformative journey that changes your life forever.
This woman transformed her beliefs and redirected her faith. It’s essential to place your faith in the right source. Nowadays, you often hear individuals proclaim, “I believe. I’m a believer. I have strong faith.” But the crucial question is: in whom or in what? Faith must have a foundation. You need to trust something genuine, something that holds truth, or someone who embodies truth. Relying solely on yourself is not enough. Many assert, “I have faith in myself. I trust that everything will turn out fine.” But faith in what? Is it faith in luck? Instead, consider placing your faith in Jesus Christ and invite Him to reveal His true nature to you.
Read / Listen / Video
Leviticus 16:29-18:30
Mark 7:24-8:10
Psalm 41:1-13
Proverbs 10:15-16
New Testament
Mark 7:24-8:10
The Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith
Jesus Heals a Deaf Man
Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand

The Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith

Jesus Heals a Deaf Man

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
Photo from:
Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture reading below:
Do you think she had tried to appeal to whatever deities she had been taught existed? Sure. Whatever she had done in the past,
she had lost all confidence in them. She is now doing what 1 Thessalonians 1:9 says the Thessalonians did, “They turned from idols to the living God.” Whenever you talk about idols and the living God, it’s because there’s a contrast between a living God and dead idols. Read Isaiah 44 and watch how foolish it is to make a god out of a piece of wood.
She’s done with that. She would have repented if Jesus had been in Tyre and Sidon and done what He had done, because she’s now here repenting from what she experienced or what she heard about that He had done in Galilee. She now knows that He’s the one who can help her, and He’s the only one who can help her.
In fact, her faith is so amazing that in Matthew’s account, Matthew 15:21 to 28, the last verse, verse 28, Jesus says, “You have great faith.” You don’t just have faith, you have mega faith. You have big faith, strong faith, great faith. So she comes to Jesus. We don’t know how all of that came about, but she comes to Him. Now at this particular point, I want you to see that faith – let’s just talk about this woman’s great faith. Faith has to be placed in the right object. It has to be placed in the right object. You hear people today say, “I believe. I’m a believer. I have great faith.” In whom? In what? Faith has to have an object. You have to put your trust in something valid, something true, someone true. You can’t put your faith in yourself. People say, “I have faith in myself. I have faith that things are going to work out.” Faith in what? Faith in chance?
She had faith in Him. He’s the only legitimate object of faith. There’s no salvation in any other. So she goes to Him, verse 26, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter. She kept asking Him and asking Him. What does that tell you? He didn’t respond. Now you say, is He lacking in compassion? We know better than that. Right? Is He lacking in affection? We know better than that. Is He lacking in sympathy? We know better than that. What is the delay? Well let’s go to Matthew’s account and we’ll fill in the blanks. This is really interesting. Matthew 15 – Matthew 15 and verse 22 picks up the story. She comes. She says, “Have mercy on me, Lord.” Have mercy on me, Lord. Oh, that’s good. “Lord, Son of David.” Ah, now we get the picture. She believes in someone she knows to be the Lord and the Son of David. Wow. And the dispenser of mercy. For the entire sermon click here
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