February 28


Against Us

For the one who is not against us is for us. ~ Mark 9:40 ESV

Reflecting on today’s Bible reading, I am reminded of conversations I’ve had regarding false teachers. Often, people reference to Mark 9:40 as a verse to suggest that we should remain silent when these individuals promote their misleading doctrines, simply because they mention Jesus and some biblical concepts. However, it’s important to recognize that this verse is not relevant to that situation at all. We must be discerning and understand the true meaning behind the scriptures.

Jesus told them not to stop the exorcist, reasoning that someone truly working in His name wouldn’t quickly oppose Him. There is no middle ground with Jesus Christ; those who are not against Him are on His side, but likewise, those who are not with Him are against Him, and those who do not help Him gather are like Satan the wolf, that catches and scatters the sheep, and seeks to kill and destroy them. (Matthew 12:30).

Jesus made this statement to emphasize to his disciples the importance of allowing anyone to perform good deeds in his name, regardless of whether they belong to their body of believers or another church. He is not suggesting that false teachers, who mislead others away from Him, are working in His favor; in fact, they are guiding people down a dangerous path that ultimately leads to destruction. (Matthew 7:13-14)


Read Listen / Video
Leviticus 22:17-23:44
Mark 9:30-10:12
Psalm 44:1-8
Proverbs 10:19

New Testament

Mark 9:30-10:12

Jesus Again Foretells Death, Resurrection
Who Is the Greatest?
Anyone Not Against Us Is for Us
Temptations to Sin, Teaching About Divorce


For the one who is not against us is for us. ~ Mark 9:40

For he that is not against us, is on our part. – Many copies read, “he that is not against you, is for you”; as this man; he was not against either Christ, or his disciples; he was doing the same work, promoting the same interest, and destroying the kingdom of Satan: and therefore, though he did not follow them, and had not his commission immediately from Christ; yet, inasmuch as he was opposing the same common enemy, and did nothing against them, he ought to be reckoned as one for them, and on their side. It is a proverbial expression, signifying that all that are not against a man, and take not the part of his enemy, are to be accounted his friends. ~ John Gill


Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below:

Mark by John MacArthur
Mark by John MacArthur

 Mark 9:30–41
All of that relates to our theme of humility, and you will see that as we work through it. If I were to title this section and the lesson, I might call it, “The Virtue of Being Last” – “The Virtue of Being Last.” That title would seem offensive to the culture in which you and I live because everybody wants to be first – number one – that’s the whole idea. Humility is not viewed as a virtue in our culture, and it wasn’t viewed as a virtue in ancient pagan culture, either. And it’s not just a cultural issue. Humility is foreign to fallen DNA. Humility is alien to the human heart.
Scripture Illustration of Mark 9:35

Scripture Illustration of Mark 9:35

 Mark 9:42–50

Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. ~ Mark 9:42

This is a very unique portion of Scripture. It is full of graphic terminology, dramatic acts, severe warnings, and rather violent threats. It really is a passage about radical discipleship, and the language bears testimony to that. It calls for radical behaviors, and it shows us just how radical it is to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Our Lord here, in these verses, is calling for radical discipleship. I think this is a message that is highly necessary for the day in which we live when under the name of Christianity and even evangelical Christianity, there is so much superficiality.
We expect the world to seduce believers because that’s what the world does all the time. But judgment is pronounced on the world and extended to anyone, even in the household of God, who solicits another believer into sin. ~ John MacArthur
Causing a Christian to Sin

Causing a Christian to Sin


How is it that we can lead others into sin? I can give you four simple, general answers to that question. Number one, by direct temptation. You all understand that. You tempt somebody to sin, you invite someone to sin, you invite them to sin morally against the laws of God, against the commandments of our Lord by direct solicitation. You invite people to lie, to gossip, to cheat. You invite people to love the world. You draw them into ungodly enterprise as activities, entertainment – whatever. You understand that.

But there’s a second way, and that’s by indirect temptation. You provoke them to jealousy by flaunting what you have. You provoke them to anger by indifference or unkindness. Like your children, you know, Ephesians 6:4, “Provoke not your children to wrath” by inattention, lack of affection, lack of forgiveness, lack of kindness, overbearing expectations. You can do it directly or indirectly.

Thirdly, another way that you can cause people to stumble is by setting a sinful example, simply by doing things that people see that are sinful, which path they perhaps will follow. Romans 14, it can be flaunting your liberty, which will then lead someone else to do the same, but because that conscience has not yet been liberated to understand the full freedoms in Christ, Paul says, it’s destructive because this is training a person to violate conscience, and that has a very bad outcome. You have to be careful of the example that you set. Just when you don’t think people are watching, the truth is, they are.  ~ John MacArthur



Mark 9:30-50 by Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible



Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord



Spurgeon’s Verse Expositions of the Bible

Mark 9:30-32And they departed thence, and passed through Galilee; and he would not that any man should know it. For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him.

See how intense he was; always thinking of his approaching death, that cruel, bitter death, yet he hasted towards it, longed for that baptism to be accomplished, for the great redeeming price to be paid. Oh, that you and I were as fully absorbed in the service of God as our great Master was!


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