1 Chronicles 12:19-14:17
Romans 1:1-17
Psalm 9:13-20
Proverbs 19:4-5
New Testament: Romans 1:1-17
Summary: Greeting, Longing to Go to Rome, The Righteous Shall Live by Faith

Romans 1:16
As we look into the New Testament. Today’s reading will be from the book of Romans, chapter 1, verses 1 through 17. The Gospel of God is what this contains. God has good news. It is promised in the Old Testament and centered in Jesus Christ.
He came to earth as a Jew, died, and rose again, and he saves all who will trust in him. He alone purchased salvation, and this message must be preached to the whole world. Why? Because the gospel alone is the power of God to salvation. Paul was gripped by the Gospel.
His whole life was controlled by it. Called to be an apostle. He felt himself a debtor to the whole world through his church, God is calling people to Jesus Christ. Has the Gospel gripped you?
E. Stanley Jones wrote religions are man’s search for God. The gospel is God’s search for man. There are many religions, but only one gospel. And with that, let’s begin our reading today in the New Testament. Romans 1:1-17
Indebted – Our Daily Bread
Overview: Romans 1-4 Click Here to Watch Video
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