July 6

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1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4
Acts 24:1-27
Psalm 4:1-8
Proverbs 18:16-18

New Testament:
Acts 24:1-27


Paul Before Felix at Caesarea
Paul Kept in Custody

We will read today from the Book of Acts, chapter 24, verses 1 through 27 of the New Testament. What are the methods the unsaved use to oppose the Lord’s servants and their work? Having known that many people in high places are susceptible to flattery, Tertullus began with flattery. The appeal of flattery appeals to our pride.

We cannot be successfully flatter by others if we don’t flatter ourselves. Do we really want to believe what they say? Tertullus then used slander. According to Napoleon, whoever knows how to flatter also knows how to slander. His last weapon was to call on false witnesses who together supported Tertullus’s lies against Paul.

Yes, they were all lies. Three things made up Paul’s defense: his life, his faith, and his service to his nation. Even though his enemies could not prove their accusations, Paul was not freed. There were many things God had for Paul to accomplish in Rome, so that prison was the safest place for him. For you and me, the principle is that we may not understand why God allows lies to triumph, but we must leave it all up to him.

He’s the one in control, and he’s the one who makes the final decision.




Overview: Acts 13-28  Click Here to Watch Video


Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below


Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible

Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible


Acts – J Vernon Mcgee – Thru the Bible

Acts 22-25



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