June 25

Read Listen

2 Kings 8:1-9:13
Acts 16:16-40
Psalm 143:1-12
Proverbs 17:26

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New Testament:
Acts 16:16-40


Paul and Silas in Prison
The Philippian Jailer Converted


Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” ~ Acts 16:30-31


Overview: Acts 13-28  Click Here to Watch Video


Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below


Well, this man had no answers.  He had no escape.  And he came to the biggest crisis in his life up to this point, and the only thing left to do was kill himself.  But instead of killing himself, God had something else in mind for him, and you know what he did?  He just fell down at the feet of Paul and Silas, and he asked the right question.  He said, “What must I do to be saved?”  How do I get out of the mess of having my little box broken?  Where do I turn to get rid of my fears and anxiety and loneliness and the meaningless of life and the fear of death and all this?  Where do I go?  And the answer came very clearly, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” and you’ll be delivered.  And not only you, but anybody else in your house who believes.  


Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible

Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible


Acts – J Vernon Mcgee – Thru the Bible

Acts 15-16





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