March 15


First and foremost the Bible is the revelation of God.  It is His own word on Himself.  More than anything else it is His story.  Behind Zacharias and behind Elizabeth and behind Mary and behind John and even behind the coming of Jesus is the great and mighty revelation of God.  His nature, His character, His works, His purpose, His will, He is being revealed.  In fact, at all points in the Bible, God is teaching the truth about Himself.  He is the one dominating figure in biblical revelation.  The Bible simply is a book about God.  It starts with God and it ends with God and everything in between is about Him.  ~ John MacArthur

Read Listen
Numbers 22:21-23:30
Luke 1:57-80
Psalm 58:1-11
Proverbs 11:12-13


New Testament

Luke 1:57-80

Bible Open to Luke

Bible Open to Luke


The Birth of John the Baptist
Zechariah’s Prophecy


Birth of John

Birth of John


“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go on BEFORE THE LORD TO PREPARE HIS WAYS; To give to His people the knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their sins, Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us, TO SHINE UPON THOSE WHO SIT IN DARKNESS AND THE SHADOW OF DEATH, To guide our feet into the way of peace.” And the child continued to grow and to become strong in spirit, and he lived in the deserts until the day of his public appearance to Israel. ~ Luke 1:76-80


Gospel of Luke 1:57-80  – Video



Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below:

Mark by John MacArthur
Mark by John MacArthur


Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Thru the Bible

Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible


Luke 1:57-80 by Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible



He who despises his neighbor lacks sense, But a man of understanding keeps silent. He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, But he who is trustworthy conceals a matter. ~ Proverbs 11:12-13

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