You don’t know the Bible
In Mark 12:24, Jesus responds to the Sadducees, who were questioning Him about the resurrection, by saying: “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?” (NIV)
Jesus emphasized to the Sadducees the critical need for a deep understanding of the Bible. Jesus rebukes the Sadducees because their misunderstanding comes from ignorance of God’s Word and His power. As Christians, we need to be familiar with the Bible because we will face many who challenge its truths. This verse teaches that knowing Scripture is essential for understanding truth and avoiding spiritual error.
Ignorance of Scripture can lead to false beliefs. Knowing the Bible helps Christians discern truth from deception. 1 Peter 3:15 encourages believers to be ready to give an answer for their faith. Studying the Bible equips Christians to respond to challenges and share the Gospel confidently. Christians should study the Bible not only to gain knowledge but also to deepen their relationship with God and live according to His truth.
It’s crucial to understand that a lack of personal knowledge of the Bible could lead you to be misdirected on your spiritual journey down the wrong path. (Matthew 7:13-14)
Read / Listen / Video
Numbers 4:1-5:31
Mark 12:18-37
Psalm 48:1-14
Proverbs 10:26
New Testament
Mark 12:18-37
The Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection
The Great Commandment
Whose Son Is the Christ?

Listen to John MacArthur on today’s scripture below:
Had they known the scriptures, they would have known that God promises resurrection. Had they known the Pentateuch, they would have known that God promises resurrection. And had they known the power of God, truly they would have known that God can create any kind of life that He wants. They were spiritually dead. They were spiritually blind. And, consequently, it was ignorance in high places. Did they think God was only what they could conceive Him as being? Did they think that God was not capable of sorting out husbands in heaven, or creating a kind of life in which their scenario was an absurdity? And again, this is the kind of indictment you lay over any false religion.
And then he explains himself in verse 25, “For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.” When they rise…in the parallel passage in Luke 20 verse 34, “they” is sons of this age. People, human beings living in this age, a Hebraism for the people living in the world. When the people in the world rise from the dead in the next life, “they neither marry or are given in marriage.” The whole complex of sex, reproduction, birth, family ceases to exist.
This is contrary to the notions of the – the everlasting planetary dominating rulership of Mormons and planetary procreation with their multiple wives. It is also contrary to the Islamic view of everlasting sex on green pillows with 72 virgins, or whatever they promise the martyrs. The whole complex of sex and reproduction and birth and family is for this life and is not for the life to come. That is an absolute statement, folks. So if you’re wondering, there is no marriage in heaven. There are no sexual relationships, no families and no exclusive relationships in heaven. Further, helping to define this, our Lord says, “But are like angels in heaven,” but are like angels in heaven.” It doesn’t mean we’re going to be angels. And our Lord throws this one in because they don’t believe in angels. They denied angels.
For the entire message – Click Here
They are not convinced that He is the Messiah. And they really had to fight to hold on to that belief because He had to get past the explosion of miracles that He did which could only be described as those being done by the power of God. Even if they believed He was merely a man, they would have had to admit that the power of God came through Him in unparalleled fashion. There had been men in the Old Testament through whom God had done miraculous things. And even the apostles were men through whom God did miraculous things. But no one ever had been able to be such a force of power over disease and demons and death and nature as this man. So they fought hard to sustain their conviction that He is not the Messiah.
That then becomes the issue here. Now remember, this is Wednesday during Passion Week. Jesus is in the temple and He’s teaching concerning the kingdom and preaching the gospel and He’s being confronted by the Sanhedrin. They come in waves; first the Pharisees with the Herodians, then the Sadducees, and as we saw this morning, then another representative of the Pharisees, a scribe who confronts Him with a third question. He answers every question and they are left stunned and without an ability to entrap Him and turn the crowd against Him and raise the rancor of the Romans against Him as well. And they’re finished. The end of verse 34, “No one ventured to ask Him any more questions. He thwarted all their attempts.”
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