2 Samuel 14:1-15:22
John 18:1-24
Psalm 119:97-112
Proverbs 16:8-9
New Testament: John 18:1-24
Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Jesus Faces Annas and Caiaphas
Peter Denies Jesus
The High Priest Questions Jesus
They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas, who betrayed him, was standing with them.
~ John 18:5
Who do you stand with? You may claim to be a Christian but who do you stand with? Judas was thought to be one of Jesus’ disciples, but in reality, he stood on the enemy’s side. So many people claim to be Christians and think they’re saved when in reality they are standing “with them” which I am meaning with them is the world (1 John 2:15-17) which at this time is under the rulership of Satan.
There was in our Lord something more than human; he was God as well as man, and he displayed his divine majesty, glory, and power. This was done, not to make his escape from them; but to give proof of his deity, and a specimen of his power at the great day; and to let them know, that if he had not thought fit to have surrendered himself voluntarily to them, though he was an unarmed person, they, with all their men and arms, could never have laid hold on him; and to show them, that he could as easily have struck them dead, as to cause them to fall to the ground: and sometimes striking a person dead immediately, is expressed by this phrase of striking to the ground; and is ascribed to God, who does it by the ministry of angels: says R. Simeon ben Shetach
Overview: John 13-21 Click Here to Watch Video
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