Daily Bible Blog

One Year Bible Notes
December 26

December 26

  We'll see that each person must identify with either the harlot or the bride there can be no compromise. The woman represents the ultimate in godless world religion, and she is joined with government. Carried by the beast, by the way, and corrupts everything...

December 25

December 25

Zechariah 8:1-23 Revelation 16:1-21 Psalm 144:1-15 Proverbs 30:29-31 Read Today's Scripture - Click Here Click on the Play Button below to Listen to Today's Scripture   New Testament: Revelation 16:1-21 Summary: The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath, The Seventh Bowl...

December 24

December 24

  The reason for those judgements is God’s anger. In fact, Revelation 15:7 says that the 7 bowls contain God’s anger.   Many people consider it hard to believe that God can be angry. God’s character is perfect love; so they argue that anger is the opposite...

December 23

December 23

  The person who accepts the mark of the antichrist (Christ’s great enemy) is accepting the antichrist’s rule over his life. So, that person has chosen, on purpose, to serve the devil. As a mark on the body is permanent, so the person has given his life to the...

December 22

December 22

  The antichrist will be the most powerful and evil ruler that the world has ever known. He will be responsible for great acts of cruelty, especially towards God’s people (Daniel 11:31-35; Mark 13:9-20). He will force some of them to leave their homes (Hebrews...

December 21

December 21

  People sometimes ask why the devil chooses to fight against God. Passages like Isaiah 14:13-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 seem to show that the original reasons were proud thoughts and jealous attitudes. However, the devil is fighting a war that he will certainly...

December 20

December 20

  People often call earthquakes ‘acts of God’; and it is not hard to see why. Major earthquakes are some of the most powerful natural events that happen in our world. The ground across whole countries may shake so severely that buildings fall down. Earthquakes...

December 19

December 19

  It would have caused John great strain to see the things that he describes in chapter 9. It was a terrible shock to know how cruelly those evil spirits would attack people. The people of the world will suffer greatly during the last few years before Christ’s...

December 18

December 18

  When people choose on purpose to do evil things, the effect on society is terrible. People may say that they are just looking after themselves. However, the reality is that everyone suffers because of their selfish attitudes, including themselves. They are not...

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