One-Year Bible Notes and Daily Bible Reading
December 8
The true gospel was misrepresented by false teachers preaching and living a counterfeit gospel. Jude says Christians should wage war on error in all its forms and fight ferociously for truth, like soldiers protecting a sacred treasure.
Hosea 10:1-14:9
Jude 1:1-25
Psalm 127:1-5
Proverbs 29:15-17
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New Testament: Jude 1:1-25
Summary: Judgment on False Teachers and A Call to Persevere
Contend for the Faith
Jude, like James, was a half-brother of the Lord Jesus. His letter focuses on false teachers and echoes Peter’s warnings in 2 Peter, chapter 2, we’ll read about who they are.
Jude was going to write about salvation, but the Lord directed him to write about invasion instead. False teachers were creeping into the church and going undetected. These are unsaved people, ungodly people and unprincipled people who use grace as an excuse for sin. We’ll read about what they do.
Like the Jews in the wilderness, the fallen angels, and the evil cities of the plain, they reject the authority of God. Their words are defiant and defiling. Like Cain, they have no saving faith, but they do have religion, like Balaam, they use religion as a way to make money.
And like Korah, (Korah led a revolt against Moses; he died, along with all his co-conspirators, when God caused “the earth to open her mouth and swallow him and all that had to do with him” (Numbers 16:31-33), they defy the word of God and the authority of God’s chosen servants. We’ll read about what they are, false teachers promise much, but produce little, like rainless clouds and fruitless trees. Enoch had the best word for them ungodly. And we’ll read about what we must do.
Remember the word and know it, and build yourself up in your Christian faith. True believers are preserved in Jesus Christ, and they prove this by keeping themselves in God’s love. Therefore, God will keep them from falling.
The Erasable Bible
Overview: 1-3 John – Click Here
John MacArthur speaks about the book of Jude – Click Here
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You Need to Know the Bible for Yourself
Everybody needs to know what the Bible really says: what it says about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation and eternity, etc. Don’t depend on what a church or some famous preacher tells you. If you depend on Hollywood, the History Channel, or a magazine for the most important information you will ever need to know. You may end up lost forever not knowing what God has written down for you. He wants you to spend eternity with Him.
You need to know Jesus before you can be saved. The bible is all about who Jesus is and what He has done for you. He has a gift for you and it is completely free. But if you don’t know Him, you will not be in the Kingdom of God with Jesus who gave His very life for you.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’ ~ Matthew 7:21-23
There is an absurd amount of very bad information out in the world today about the Bible. You will only know the truth if you study the bible for yourself. And if you study the bible and ask The Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truth He will and it will change your life forever.
How to Study the Bible for Yourself / Save Yourself Some Pain
Bible tools that will let you listen to a section of the bible and read at the same time. If you do this each day you will have completed the entire bible in one year. |
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