Daily Bible Reading, February |
Do not be doubtful. Religious leaders will come and go, stand and fall, but the word will not change. Believe it, obey it, hold to it, no matter what others may say or do. Your Bible is God’s light in this dark world, and don’t be distracted. We...
Daily Bible Reading, February |
Now, having put us into the future, understanding that we’re looking at the time known as the Tribulation, that’s what our Lord calls it, the Great Tribulation, a time in the future just before Christ comes, what are the signs? What are the signs to...
Daily Bible Reading, February |
I hear about the threat of secularism. The pressure of an immoral society and how we’ve got to battle on all of these fronts. But communism and secularism and humanism and immorality and all of that put together does not pose as great a threat to Christianity as...
Daily Bible Reading, February |
There have always been and there always will be in this world false spiritual leaders who pretend to represent God but in fact do not represent God. The Old Testament talks about them, identifies them, and warns people to stay away from them. The New Testament...
Daily Bible Reading, February |
Many people hear the call of God coming through His revelation of Himself through creation, the conscience, and the preaching of the Word. But only the “few” will respond because they are the ones who are truly hearing. Jesus said many times, “He who has ears to hear,...
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