November 8

Even before Jesus came, there was a holy place in this world. And there were rules about the right way to serve God. Those facts may surprise us. God had established a holy place in an unholy world. And he had declared that certain actions to serve him were right. ...

November 7

That is why God promised a new covenant. He wanted to have a new kind of relationship with his people. They would genuinely know him as their God. And then they really would be God’s own people. They would obey him, because his law would be in their minds. And they...

November 6

So the law appointed priests. That shows people that nobody can achieve a right relationship with God by their own efforts. They must have a priest who will speak to God on their behalf. And now, the priest that God has chosen for this purpose is his Son, Jesus....

November 5

Here is some good advice if the facts about Christ ever seem difficult to understand. We should think about Christ. We should think about his life and his death. We should think about how he became alive again after his death. And we should think about the good things...

November 4

In a few places, the author of Hebrews warns his readers in a very severe manner. It is not pleasant to read such things. But it is necessary for us to be aware of them. The same God who offers us heaven also warns us about hell. The Bible tells us about God’s anger...

November 3

  The author is encouraging his readers to study God’s word in a more careful manner. At the present time, they become tired quickly when the author tries to teach them (Hebrews 5:11). They say that his lessons are too hard. And they ask for someone to teach them...

November 2

  While the Word of God is comforting and nourishing to those who believe, it is a tool of judgment and execution for those who have not committed themselves to Jesus Christ. Some of the Hebrews were merely going through the motions of belonging to Christ....

November 1

Most people understand ‘sin’ to mean wrong things that they do against God. But our sins are not just our wrong actions. Sin also includes wrong and evil attitudes in our hearts (or minds). Jesus taught that wrong attitudes in people’s hearts cause all kinds of wicked...

October 31

In the end, the devil took advantage of Jesus’ human weakness. He caused the soldiers to put Jesus on a cross to die. And Jesus died there. But that was not defeat for Jesus. That was success. That was God’s perfect plan to destroy the devil’s power. By Jesus’ death,...

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