February 13

Intentionally Remained Unbelieving He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. ~ Matthew 27:42 Unfortunately, they had witnessed more impressive acts before this but still did not...

February 12

  Jesus was humble and righteous and good and faithful and truthful and just and self-denying and in every way the spotless perfect Lamb of God who came for the sins of the world.   It is this person of whom Pilate asks: What then shall I do with Jesus who...

February 11

Persistently Resisting God’s Truth Judas saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” ~ Matthew 27:4 Judas confessed his wrongdoing, but he did not truly repent. He admitted his guilt, but not to God or...

February 10

Mindless Crowds Then they spit in his face and struck him. And some slapped him, ~ Matthew 26:67 Today’s reading provided a clear example of the evil in a world that rejects Christ. The horror we see in that event is similar to what happens to Jesus all the...

February 9

  Life presents us with many opportunities. How we respond to them depends on what we love and what we look for in life. The Jewish leaders looked for opportunity to destroy Jesus. While at the same time Jesus was anticipating the opportunity to obey his father...

February 8

  Exodus 28:1-43 Matthew 25:31-26:13 Psalm 31:9-18 Proverbs 8:12-13 Read Today’s Scripture – Click Here Click on the Play Button below to Listen to Today’s Scripture   New Testament: Matthew 25:31-26:13 Summary: The Final Judgment The Plot...

February 7

  The unprepared Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’ But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ ~ Matthew 25:11-12 The story of the ten virgins highlights the need to be prepared for Christ’s return, no...

February 6

  Do not be doubtful. Religious leaders will come and go, stand and fall, but the word will not change. Believe it, obey it, hold to it, no matter what others may say or do. Your Bible is God’s light in this dark world, and don’t be distracted. We...

February 5

  Now, having put us into the future, understanding that we’re looking at the time known as the Tribulation, that’s what our Lord calls it, the Great Tribulation, a time in the future just before Christ comes, what are the signs?  What are the signs to...

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