December 21

  People sometimes ask why the devil chooses to fight against God. Passages like Isaiah 14:13-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 seem to show that the original reasons were proud thoughts and jealous attitudes. However, the devil is fighting a war that he will certainly...

December 20

  People often call earthquakes ‘acts of God’; and it is not hard to see why. Major earthquakes are some of the most powerful natural events that happen in our world. The ground across whole countries may shake so severely that buildings fall down. Earthquakes...

December 19

  It would have caused John great strain to see the things that he describes in chapter 9. It was a terrible shock to know how cruelly those evil spirits would attack people. The people of the world will suffer greatly during the last few years before Christ’s...

December 18

  When people choose on purpose to do evil things, the effect on society is terrible. People may say that they are just looking after themselves. However, the reality is that everyone suffers because of their selfish attitudes, including themselves. They are not...

December 17

But when the seventh seal is broken and what is to happen becomes visible as the scroll is unrolled – and the implication is they can all see what it says – they are reduced to utter silence. And all the triumphant ringing hallelujahs, all the exaltation halts. And I...

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