October 3

Peace means the calm and content attitude that comes from a right relationship with God. It is the attitude of a person who, in every situation, is trusting God (4:11-13). That person believes God’s promises and he knows God’s goodness. Therefore, he does not worry...

October 2

A desire only for the things in this world Paul continues to describe those people against whom he warned Philippi’s Christians so strongly (3:18). He does not describe them by their beliefs, opinions or leaders, because these things may differ. Instead, he describes...

October 1

Christians should always want whatever God considers to be best for the other people in their lives. That attitude should be even stronger than our selfish desire to benefit ourselves. It caused Paul shock when groups of Christians argued in order to establish their...

September 30

Only in the present age can people and evil spirits join with the devil to oppose Christ’s rule. Every effort to stand against Christ will certainly fail (Psalm 2; Psalm 110). Christ will defeat all his enemies (Revelation 19:11-21) and he will be the judge of all...

September 29

The Christians at Philippi were sincere people who showed great love. However, perhaps they did not always act wisely. Perhaps their deep love caused them to accept teachers who did not teach the truth about Christ. Perhaps they failed to recognise those people who...

September 28

    Christians also must be ready, both for the devil’s attack (1 Peter 5:8-9), but also to defeat and to overcome the devil (Revelation 12:11). They do not do that by their own strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit who is working in them (Romans 8:11). Their...

September 27

For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes...

September 26

The description that Paul gives, of a life without God, is truly awful (4:17-19). There are many people who only want to satisfy their own selfish desires. They choose on purpose to do evil things. They are completely unwilling to change their attitudes or their...

September 25

Many Christians prefer teachers who are impressive and will tell them what they want to hear.  Like a child, they believe them, whether their message is right or wrong (2 Corinthians 11:3-4). Like a small boat in a storm, he is in great danger. Beware, (know your...

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