One-Year Bible Notes and Daily Bible Reading

March 29
Jesus reveals He is God
And He said to them, “Where is your faith?” They were fearful and amazed, saying to one another, “Who then is this, that He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him?”
~ Luke 8:25
Luke 8:25 says, “He said to them, ‘Where is your faith?’ And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, ‘Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?'” This verse powerfully points to the divine nature of Jesus. The disciples, seasoned fishermen familiar with the sea, were terrified by the storm and even more astounded when Jesus calmed it with a mere command. Their question, “Who then is this…?” highlights their growing realization that Jesus is more than a teacher or prophet. In Scripture, the ability to command nature is an attribute of God alone (Psalm 89:9, “You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, You still them”). By exercising authority over the wind and the sea, Jesus demonstrates a power that belongs to God Himself. This act is not a mere miracle but a revelation of His divine identity. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus does what only God can do—He forgives sins, receives worship, gives life, and exercises power over creation—confirming that He is truly God in the flesh. Luke 8:25 is one of many moments where Jesus’ divine nature breaks through in unmistakable clarity.
Read / Listen
Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32
Luke 8:22-39
Psalm 70:1-5
Proverbs 12:4
New Testament
Luke 8:22-39
Jesus Calms a Storm
Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

And the demons came out of the man and entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. ~ Luke 8:33
Overview: Luke 1-9 Video
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You Need to Know the Bible for Yourself
Everybody needs to know what the Bible really says: what it says about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, salvation and eternity, etc. Don’t depend on what a church or some famous preacher tells you. If you depend on Hollywood, the History Channel, or a magazine for the most important information you will ever need to know. You may end up lost forever not knowing what God has written down for you. He wants you to spend eternity with Him.
You need to know Jesus before you can be saved. The bible is all about who Jesus is and what He has done for you. He has a gift for you and it is completely free. But if you don’t know Him, you will not be in the Kingdom of God with Jesus who gave His very life for you.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’ ~ Matthew 7:21-23
There is an absurd amount of very bad information out in the world today about the Bible. You will only know the truth if you study the bible for yourself. And if you study the bible and ask The Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the truth He will and it will change your life forever.
How to Study the Bible for Yourself / Save Yourself Some Pain
Bible tools that will let you listen to a section of the bible and read at the same time. If you do this each day you will have completed the entire bible in one year. |
Read and Listen To The Whole Bible In A Year
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